Kotahi te Whakaaro (multi agency)
Kōtahi te Whakaaro is a Multi - Agency group that works with At - Risk Youth in preventing them going into the Youth Justice system.
2 Genesis mentors who work full-time with the Kōtahi te Whakaaro team provide Multidisciplinary support for any young person the Kōtahi te Whakaaro team need to refer on
Strong networks through the multi-disciplinary Kōtahi te Whakaaro team.
Kōtahi te Whakaaro has won a prestigious award.
Youth Justice
Mentoring and counselling support to young people who are on Youth Justice Family Group Conference Plans.
Mentoring includes:
positive influence advisor supports goalsetting that relate to well-being, education and life skills.
Counselling includes therapies that help young people deal with past and current trauma, behavioral and emotional issues
What’s working:
Effective mentoring and counselling provided to support young people.
Family Group Conference Plans are appropriately discussed, and interventions are efficiently implemented.
Whakamana Rangatahi
Family harm focused – working with youth who display aggressive behaviour in the home and require police intervention.
Offer a multidisciplinary approach – Social Worker, Mentor & Counsellor.
Work throughout Counties Manukau area
What’s working:
Getting in the Manukau Family Harm Hub (Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke) and connecting with Police and other organizations that provide support for family harm.
Providing effective and empowering support for the young people and families we work with.
World of Work
Working with Young People to create individual plans as we support and encourage them to start thinking about their goals and action steps towards their future and aspirations.
Driver licencing
Engaging the rangatahi's family on the Building Awesome Whānau course to get their support for the rangatahi's future directions.
Links into our Youth to Work program.
Support to our Young People for non re-offending as we prepare them for employment.
Youth to Work
Working with young people and their families to help Support and Prepare them for the work life.
10-week programme.
Pastoral Care (Mentors) for the rangatahi for 12-16 months whilst in employment to give them support and encouragement.
Bespoke support packages designed by MSD to support employers and young people.
Looking for apprenticeships where we can improve rangatahi’s earning capabilities.
Opportunities provided to date:
Electrical Apprenticeship
Locomotive Engineer (train driver)
Metro Train manager/driver
Hairdressing apprenticeship
Downer cadetship
Te Rere o Te Manu
Working with Young People to create individual plans as we support and encourage them to start thinking about their goals and action steps towards their future and aspirations.
Driver licencing
Engaging the rangatahi's family on the Building Awesome Whānau course to get their support for the rangatahi's future directions.
Links into our Youth to Work program.
Support to our Young People for non re-offending as we prepare them for employment.