our vision
Te Pae Kahurangi / Imagining tomorrow
The services we provide to our young people and their families are based on our Genesis values of;
Whakamana Rangatahi
Empowering our youth and families
Tika me te pono, Trust & Integrity
Building relationships based on trust and integrity
Manaaki Tangata - Servanthood
Serving others with humility, care and compassion, unconditionally loving of all people
Wairuatanga - Spirituality & Welllbeing
Doing what it takes with a sense of calling and purpose
strategic intent
To Empower Rangatahi to change their lives for the benefit of themselves, their whanau and the community.
desired outcomes
Communities become more vibrant, optimistic and safe.
Transformed rangatahi become constructive participants in New Zealand's future, they are empowered, in turn, to offer a better start in life to their own children.
guiding principles
Every young person and their whanau has the potential to change.
Young people will thrive in a positive family environment.
Lasting change is an internal transformation of the heart, mind and soul.
core competencies
A holistic intervention combining youth work, social work, mentoring, counselling, and family services to achieve lasting positive change.
Forgoing and maintaining effective working partnerships with the NZ Police and other key agencies.
Ongoing research, innovation and best practice that shapes our programmes and interventions.